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Current Report


What We Do

  • Maintain the roads & right of ways
  • Plow snow
  • Spray weeds on roads and right of ways

How Are We Funded

  • Your Property Taxes – (historically about 50% of our annual budget)
    • 10 mill levy = $100 for every $100,000 dollars of assessed value
  • Other State Taxes & Funding
    • Gas tax, registration fees, lottery, others
  • Total budget is just over $100k

Who Are We

  • Matt Fischer – President
  • Bill Remien – Treasurer
  • Barb Hanrahan – Vice President
  • Al Myatt – Director
  • Rick Sautel – Director

2023 Accomplishments

  • Spent nearly $150,000 on road maintenance and Mag Chloride this year, (including $80k from reserves)
  • First Election Ever
    • You elected 3 new members by overwhelming majority which we should all take as a strong endorsement that this community is moving in the right direction.
  • Over a several day period these residents – Al Myatt, Rick Sautel, Bill Remien, Matt Fischer, Brian Thielst, and Robert Farris Spent over 60 manhours cutting, clearing and maintaining the Right Of Ways (ROWs) along many of the 9.4 miles of roads in Loma Linda.  Improvements include:
    • Visibility and Safety for people and animals
    • Snow Removal Equipment Access
    • Keeping Drainage Open
    • Fire Mitigation

We meet in person the 1st Tues of odd number months, 4pm in the Ross Aragon Community Cntr.  These are open meetings and you are welcome to join us.

In closing I would just like to say –

Thank you for letting us serve you.


The Metro District has an open paid position for an Administrative Secretary whose duties are mainly taking minutes at the six annual meetings and helping with other administrative activities.  Any interested party should email the board at